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About Sinus Infection/Sinusitis

Sinus Infection or Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinus membranes that can be infectious (caused by a virus or bacteria) or non-infectious (often caused by allergies).

Sinus Infections Helped With Endonasal Cranial Adjusting - Dr Adam Fields

Paranasal Sinuses

The sinuses are hollow parts inside of some of the bones of the skull.  They help with voice resonance, lighten the skull and produce a special mucus that keeps the inside of the nose moist and protects it from dust, dirt, pollutants, and microbiological organisms.

Metaphorically, you might think of the sinuses like bathtubs with a drain. The sinuses produce mucous that needs to be drained regularly.  If the skull bones are tilted wrong, the sinus cavities cannot drain as well (or not at all) and microorganisms can get into the area and an infection can arise.  The insides of the sinuses are hollow and thus do not have a good blood supply to bring white blood cells to the area to fight the infection.  Even treating with antibiotics can be difficult because the infection may not be near the walls of the sinuses where the blood vessels are.  Not to mention, there are horrible side effects from antibiotic use.

Endonasal Cranial Adjusting does not kill the sinus infection. It allows your body to flush it out of the sinus cavity.

Endonasal Cranial Adjusting and sinus issues are a match made in heaven.  It would take more than the pages of this website to recount the volume of people helped in my office with acute and chronic infections.

One rate limiting factor to healing chronic sinusitis is when the infection is fungal in nature.  In this instance we must implement a strict dietary and supplement protocol in addition to Endonasal Cranial Adjusting.  Our nutrition coach, Ruthie, might be called on to assist in this instance.  Also see Snoring, Sleep Apnea and Nasal Blockage.

About Chiropractor Dr Adam Fields

Dr Adam Fields is a practicing chiropractor in the Bay Area in Northern California and helps people daily in his office with many challenges that can be helped by shockwave therapy from tendinopathies, arthritis, cartilage regeneration, post surgical scar tissue, pelvic pain, altered biomechanics and more. He uses Endonasal Cranial Adjusting, the Muncie Technique, Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT), Class IV Laser Therapy, posture correction, lifestyle modification, muscle work, and other techniques to help his patients.

You can reach Dr Adam Fields for in-person (Los Gatos and San Jose, California) or telehealth appointments here.


 Dr. Basista helped – TMJ and Sinus

Hello Dr. Fields, Wow! Last Friday was a great day for feeling open and clear in nose and sinuses. I'm feeling the benefits of both ozone and cranial adjustments - fabulous! The treatments with you are so much more than the adjustments - they change my lifestyle for the better. From prior to my first visit to you last April doing the whole probiotic supplement regime you mailed me, to the 5 day juice fast, to the continued anti-inflammatory diet, to using the physical therapy equipment I came home with... door traction, lordotic neck strengthener and Denne roll. Over the months I lost my initial enthusiasm of using them daily (more like once a week), but after this last visit I am inspired once again as I'm feeling such a shift in positive results. When I got to the airport, sounds seemed louder. When I taught the first class in our studio on Sunday, I could hear my voice loudly in my head - it feels like the treatment improved my hearing! It's as if the sinuses / spaces in my head are more open and clearer to resonate more sound - wonderful! And I'm so grateful you shared about your videos and your recommendation of your TMJ videos in particular. Wow! The exercises on the 2 TMJ videos and sleep apnea video are incredible! I've been doing all three and sometimes doing the exercises twice a day. For the last 20+ years that I've had this condition and the number of doctors, chiropractors, ENTs, audiologists I've told, your adjustments and the exercises on your videos are the first time I've felt like my condition is receiving the self-care it needs to heal. So many of the exercises on the videos allow my Eustachian tubes (both of them - never knew the other one was challenged , too!) to pop and crackle and clear. For the first time in so many years I feel like I'm feeling progress in healing! At times, from the exercises, it seems like my tinnitus level is reduced, too. Because I've had the condition for so long, I'm not expecting miracles, but it sure feels amazing to feel like there's some positive progress! From the time of my first appointment when you shared a prayer and told me you like the 'difficult cases' I knew I was in the right place for treatments, that I was with a wholistic doctor who would keep delving into how to heal my chronic suffering. My history of cross country mountain bike racing and marathon races taught me to never give up, and I'm grateful that you're the first doctor who hasn't listened to me share my symptoms and looked at me with a look of 'not knowing' - not knowing what to do, or, suggest I do, to help alleviate my symptoms. So, thank you for your dedication to those of us with difficult cases - so greatly appreciated! I bought a pillow with a lordosis neck support, and for the first time in years I'm sleeping (on my back with my neck supported and not tipped forward) and waking up feeling rested and without my ears full of 'fluid.' I think the videos are really helping sleeping, too - keeping tongue forward lying supine, and even my head slightly tipped back keeps the Eustachian tubes open and the exercises really help strengthen that ability. Returning my neck to a better curve and my jaw mobility in general feels like a big part of the Eustachian tube puzzle. I'm thinking that it might be helpful to keep this healing momentum going to come back for treatments in the early new year including the ozone one. If my symptoms are better, then addressing my other health challenges - chronic foot and knee? Sorry for this long email but, I wanted you to know how fabulous my progress has been and how appreciative I am. Warmest thanks, Lee



Adam is incredible. 45 years of dealing with a broken nose I can finally breathe better! My wife is shocked I'm not snoring as much. And the pinch in my lower back is so much better. Bravo, Adam!

Sinus and ear relief testimonial for Dr Adam Fields

Sinus relief testimonial for Dr Adam Fields

Chronic Sinus Infection gone with Endonasal Cranial Adjusting - Dr Adam Fields
“I had to use Nasonex and Flonase due to chronic sinus infections. After getting my first cranial adjustment I felt so much clearer in so many ways.  Dr Adam Fields then gave me two series of cranial adjustments with the balloon.  Now, it has been years and I have not had a sinus infection.” – Judy Nelson, Los Gatos, CA
Dr. Adam Fields has made a huge difference in my total health. He doesn't just adjust you. He takes a holistic approach to your physical and mental health. Ruthie can work with you about nutrition. I've had the cranial nasal adjustments. I breath better, snore less. Dr. Fields has helped my neck and lower back issues to improve dramatically. I could hardly walk or sit in the car with my lower back pain. Now I don't even know I had a problem. Thanks to Dr. Fields and his staff.

Spine and sinus recovery testimonial for Dr Adam Fields

Wish I had gone sooner. A friend kept recommending Dr. Fields' practice to me for years but I just assumed chiropractic services would not help my chronic sinusitis. Ever since going to Dr. Fields my sinus problems have been resolved and I have yet to have a sinus infection. He's now helping other members of my family with TMJ and GI issues. Amazing practice.

Sinus Infections Helped with Endonasal Cranial Adjusting with Balloon - Dr Adam Fields chiropractor, Los Gatos/San Jose, CA

“Since I was a kid I would get a cold and my head would be in pain and misery raging sinus infections. I would be out of commission for 2-3 days minimum 4-5 times per year.  I would be completely useless.  Now, since the cranial adjustments, I bounce back.  I don’t even have one day that I am down. I maybe have a slower day but I am fully functional at work.  No pain, pressure or issues that I used to have.”  – Davorin Skender, Cleveland, OH

Surfer with chronic sinus problems is cured at Dr Adam Fields“I suffered continual sinus infections and headaches throughout the year for decades.  Immediately after the cranial adjustments I felt like I could breathe through my entire skull.  Like I had lungs up in my brain!  And I haven’t had a sinus infection in 6 years now.” Kirk Kintzel, Santa Cruz, CA