Corrective Chiropractic
Endonasal Cranial Adjusting
Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT)
Class IV Laser Therapy
Muncie Technique
Nutritional Counseling & Gut Healing 


Posture Correction and Spinal Rehabilitation
For a Lifetime of Health and Vitality

Your spine is perfectly designed for normal standing posture. It consists of a series of curves called the Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar. The three spinal curves make up a natural ‘S’ curve, which we associate with good posture. When these three curves are intact it leads to an increase in spinal strength, which is 16 times greater than that of a straight column. Your spinal cord, which is housed in your spine, benefits by running most efficiently when you have proper spinal curves.  If you lose the proper curves your spinal cord is stretched and loses blood supply. Thus, your entire body system is maximized by good posture.Curves and Posture of the Spine as they Relate to Pettibon Chiropractic  The Pettibon System restores spinal curves and helps keep your spine young, for life.

Abnormal posture can cause alterations in some of our basic physiological processes and cause problems: Headaches, blood pressure, emotional highs and lows, digestion issues, elimination problems, diminished lung capacity, and hormone imbalance have all been linked to poor posture.

Instead of just adjusting the individual vertebrae of the spine, Pettibon doctors also adjust the spine as a whole. If we move individual segments but ignore your poor posture then degeneration and aberrant nerve function continues. Implement the Pettibon System and spinal regeneration and posture correction is possible.

Usually, when seeking help from Dr Adam Fields, he will follow the Pettibon System guidelines and do a series of very specific x-rays.  However, a rudimentary way of looking at the spine would be to analyze your posture. The posture is a window to the spine. If your head is jetting just one inch out in front of your body it effectively doubles the weight your head will be affecting your entire body.

The Pettibon System is a system of spinal reconstruction which brings your body to its optimum mechanical and neurological state.

Learn more about Pettibon Chiropractic here | Book an Appointment Now


Are you a candidate for cranial adjusting?

Endonasal Cranial Adjusting has been done with a balloon since the 1940’s. However cranial adjusting itself dates back to the time of Hippocrates. What the pioneers knew science has just proven. That your skull is not one solid bone. It is made up of 22 bones that fit together like pieces in a jigsaw puzzle. These bones or plates move at the joints or sutures and they can misalign or become fixated. Endonasal Cranial Ajusting with Dr Adam FieldsDue to outside forces such as a fall, getting stuck in the birth canal, dental or orthodontic work, dehydration with poor postural habits or emotional trauma, the skull bones can lose their intended shape. Fortunately, Endonasal Cranial Adjusting can free up your skull bones. The technique used by Dr. Fields is a cumulative adjusting process which allows your brain the room it needs and your nasal passages the opening they need. As a result, brain function and airflow are optimized with Endonasal Cranial Adjusting.

You will first be interviewed to see if you are a likely candidate. A thorough history of your heath status will be taken. Your exam will consist of a neurological, muscular, adhesion, cranial suture and nasal evaluation to determine your individual misalignment pattern.

You will receive specialized muscle work and the Endonasal Cranial Adjustments. Adjustments are done with an endonasal balloon which is inserted into one or a combination of your six nasal passages (yes, you have six passages, or meatus). The balloon’s size and depth is all determined by your specific misalignment pattern.

On certain occasions, you may receive soft tissue work inside your mouth.  There may be pressure point work on the pterygoid muscles, cranial adjusting on the roof of your mouth, the Modified Muncie Technique for Eustachian tube dysfunction or other modalities to support your healing.

Learn more about Endonasal Cranial Adjusting here | Book an Appointment Now


Get pain relief and improved function with shockwave therapy

Turn back time in your tendons, ligaments and joints with shockwave therapy

Increase range of motion with shockwave therapy

Get hope with this treatment of chronic conditions that seem to never go away

Sound, in the form of shock waves, can pulverize a kidney stone, shatter glass, view into the body and so much more. Now, the power of sound has reached new heights with extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) and this non-invasive as safe treatment is available in the SF Bay Area.

Piezowave Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy with Dr Adam Fields

Dr. Fields helping free up a tendon at the base of the neck with the application of a shockwave treatment.

Maybe you’ve used your joints, tendons and ligaments doing hard mountain biking in Los Gatos, running a half marathon in San Jose or just living the tech Bay Area lifestyle. The result could be acute or chronic conditions or overuse injuries. Life can be hard on your body but the application of shockwave therapy is safe and effective. Get rid of the pain and repair the damaged tissue that has resulted from many conditions.

With shockwave therapy, high energy acoustic (sound) shockwaves or high energy shock waves are sent into the treated tissue. Normal tissue ripples like the waves made in water when you throw a stone into a pond. Scar tissue and calcified fibroblasts are brittle and they break in the wake of the waves and high energy micro bubbles that are released in the tissue. This allows for angiogenesis, or blood to come back into the area, and tissue regeneration to take place. Life is literally coming back into the area treated. To even begin to break up scar tissue, before, I used to bruise people with deep pressure massage. The Piezowave 2 is a better more comfortable option that goes deep into the cells of the tissue without the effects of after-pain or bruises.

Learn more about Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy here | Book an Appointment Now


Injury recovery and tissue healing with the Diowave Class IV Therapy Laser

Why have the most powerful class IV laser available in America in our Los Gatos and San Jose offices?
More power makes your healing possible.
To penetrate through your skin, hair follicles, fat cells to your deeper blood vessels, connective tissue, tendons, muscles and joints we need power to give you a proper dosage. Not all lasers deliver what it takes to reach your injured area but our Diowave 60 watt laser penetrates 10cm deep.

Diowave was the first company to make a Class IV Laser to be okayed by the FDA for therapeutic use.

Laser Therapy offers: anti-inflammatory aid, pain relief, blood flow, tissue repair and brain function improvement.


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Dr Adam Fields is a practicing chiropractor in the Bay Area in Northern California and helps people daily in his office with many challenges that can be helped by shockwave therapy from tendinopathies, arthritis, cartilage regeneration, post surgical scar tissue, pelvic pain, altered biomechanics and more. He uses Endonasal Cranial Adjusting, the Muncie Technique, Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT), Class IV Laser Therapy, posture correction, lifestyle modification, muscle work, and other techniques to help his patients.