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Post Surgical Scar Tissue/adhesions Helped With Shockwave Therapy (ESWT)

With Chiropractor In Los Gatos, San Jose, SF Bay Area, CA

ESWT for Post Surgical Scar Tissue / Surgical AdhesionsThe connection between post surgical scar tissue and Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) could be a scenario goes like this:  You needed a surgery.  It could have been a broken ankle from mountain biking in Los Gatos, a hernia repair, a shoulder that had to get cut or an appendix that had to come out.  The top-notch Bay Area MD did their best when cutting through the skin, fat layer, fascia, muscles, tendons, ligaments and maybe into the bone. They tried to follow the natural “grain” of your collagen fibers but it’s very challenging and often impossible due to your situation.

This can lead to post surgical scar tissue. Bands of scar tissue lead to surgical adhesions. In abdominal surgery, for instance, adhesions can cause complications more than 50% of the time.

You feel like you’ve healed up and the external scar looks clean but, little do you know, there may be scar tissue formation under the skin. Months after the surgery, the joint can get stiff leading to problems like frozen shoulder, bowel obstruction, palpable bumps under the skin or chronic pain may begin to develop.

How Does Scar Tissue Differ From Original Tissue?

  • Surgical adhesions glue organs and tissues together
  • Have less blood supply than original tissue
  • Scar tissue is more painful
  • Haphazard in its pattern versus organized under a microscope
  • Brittle rather than flexible
  • Can cause joints to “freeze-up”
Normal Collagen Fibers

Normal flexible collagen fibers

Scar Tissue Fibers

Collagen with scar tissue

How to Decrease Surgical Adhesions with Shockwave Therapy (ESWT)

The medical route can be to cut out scar tissue with a laparoscopic surgery. This can be indicated and help with decreasing bowel obstructions, aiding in fertility or increasing joint mechanics. However, there is a risk of more scar tissue with the laparoscopic surgery.

The Piezowave 2 (the extracorporeal shockwave instrument we use) can penetrate 3cm deep and begin to break up scar tissue on a cellular level [1,2]. When shockwaves are sent into normal tissue it ripples like water when throwing a stone into it. The scar tissue is brittle and it breaks. Your body ends up resorbing the calcium and using it for other body processes while the fibrin is packaged up for disposal.  

Then what happens is quite profound. New blood vessels are formed and the tissue re-heals with a stronger, more flexible and organized tissue left [3].

You will have an awareness of the Piezowave 2 doing it’s job. There will be a pulsing feeling and, possibly, a dull ache. Afterwards, people note a feeling of more “freedom” in the area being treated and, often, more mobility in their joints.

Come to our Los Gatos office and have the machine used on your area of concern. We will know the first visit whether we are able to reach your scar tissue or not.

You can reach Dr Adam Fields for in-person (Los Gatos and San Jose, California) or telehealth appointments here.


About Chiropractor Dr Adam Fields

Dr Adam Fields is a practicing chiropractor in the Bay Area in Northern California and helps people daily in his office with many challenges that can be helped by shockwave therapy from tendinopathies, arthritis, cartilage regeneration, post surgical scar tissue, pelvic pain, altered biomechanics and more. He uses Endonasal Cranial Adjusting, the Muncie Technique, Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT), Class IV Laser Therapy, posture correction, lifestyle modification, muscle work, and other techniques to help his patients.

ESWT after knee surgery

Dr Adam Fields of Los Gatos & San Jose, CA demonstrates ESWT for surgical adhesions post knee surgery

Shockwave Therapy and Post Surgical Scar Tissue Research

  1. Gerdesmyer L, Wagenpfeil S, Haake M, et al. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy for the treatment of chronic calcifying tendonitis of the rotator cuff: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2003; 290:2573-80
  2. Mittermayr R1, Hartinger J, Antonic V, Meinl A, Pfeifer S, Stojadinovic A, Schaden W, Redl H.Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) minimizes ischemic tissue necrosis irrespective of application time and promotes tissue revascularization by stimulating angiogenesis.Ann Surg.
  3. Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Experimental and Clinical Traumatology, Vienna, Austria.  Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) minimizes ischemic tissue necrosis irrespective of application time and promotes tissue revascularization by stimulating angiogenesis.Ann Surg. 2011 May;253(5):1024-32. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0b013e3182121d6e.

I've had back and neck problems forever, and I've gone to Chiropractors for more than 30 years. They would always crack my neck, crack my back, and I'd see them in two weeks. I got relief, but I never got better. Well, Dr. Fields helped me understand that if there's scar tissue or tight muscles that keep my bones from being in the right place, my bones won't change. He and his office use Shockwave to break up the scar tissue, and work to release the tight muscles holding my bones in the incorrect way. I can honestly tell you that I am far more flexible, have much more range of motion, and I'm so much *BETTER* for having seen him!


You should NOT GO ANYWHERE ELSE!!! I have been to many chiropractors in my life, as I have had back problems since the age of 18. I am now 34 and feel like my search for a good doctor is finally over. Dr. Fields and Rich have helped me tremendously with my back and neck problems in only a short period of time. They are state of the art people with state of the art treatment options, open minds and wonderful energy. It's going to take a lot more work, but that's exactly it. They have a plan for me and the things I am already implementing in my life, have made a big difference so far and I am feeling so much better. I am pain free for the first time since the age of 18, which is an incredible feeling! My stress level is down in my personal life and I know it will also be down in my work life once I return. Thank you team Fields!
Dr.Adam Fields and Alejandro, perfect team. We drove in from Rancho cucamonga 6hrs away. I have abdominal adhesions from 30 surgeries as treatment endometriosis and adhessions. On my first day of treatment, I was in pain, I walked with a limp due to severe pain. I couldn't stand up straight because of the pulling from adhessions. I carried my pain well so it wasn't too obvious. I had laser and ESWT. 9 days. Today was my last treatment. I'm in zero pain, posture is straight and feels great to not be bunched in a ball. Fighting my outward appearance with what I was feeling inside was a struggle everyday. I'm on my way to a pain free ab-hesion free life. Thank you Dr Fields for taking this chance on me. Thank you Alejandro for making the experience pleasant. Living is not living life from surgery to surgery . That's called survival. I'm ready to LIVE again. Praise God. Please ladies come see him. If you have adhesions, pain after surgery. Uncontrollable cramps. Come see him.